Thursday, September 29, 2005

The End of Natural Selection

We're all familiar with the concept of natural selection. You know, the idea that over time the members of a species who have certain traits which are more conducive to survival will inevitably have a better likelihood of reproducing, thus weeding undesireable traits out of the gene pool. This begs the question, does natural selection apply at all to the modern human race? I mean, it's not like you have to be especially strong or clever to survive as a human nowadays, and especially not in a prosperous country such as America. Withstanding infantile death, freak accidents, and suicide, pretty much everyone in America lives. It doesn't take a whole lot more to have children either. It's not like the strikingly good looking or intelligent people really have any more offspring than anybody else, if anything, I'd say that stupid, undesireable people seem to breed quite a bit more easily than anybody else. So where I am I going with this? Am I suggesting that we begin having fights to the death, or for the physically weak but mentally apt, we have academic decathlons that end with the losers being nuetered so as not to pollute the rest of the species with their sub-superior range IQ's? No! Not at all, in fact, I'm going to suggest quite the opposite. (This is all my own ignoramic speculation and is not to be taken as serious scientific theory) My guess is that the human race has evolved to the point of being such an adaptable, biologically valid species, that we no longer have a need for weeding any traits completely out of the pool and that such genetic variation is rather desireable. I mean, look at our economic culture today. There are so many different jobs out there that need to be filled by people with peculiar aptitudes that it's easy to see why such a broad range of genetics is desireable. People who aren't particularly talented in anything are just as important, for if the world was only populated with, let's say, geniuses, then no one would be happy and content to fill the more menial labor positions in society. I'm not saying that necessarily everyone ends up in a field that they're well suited for or that you don't have people working menial labor jobs who are talented and capable of something better, but I think you get the general idea. It would be interesting to hear what the experts in evolutionary biology have to say about this topic..... by the way, I think that this is a sub standard blog entry for me and if you feel the same about it you can blame my cousin Jane, who always gets on my case about updating. Her email is, please be sure to send all complaints to her. (maniacal laugh, hahaha... )


Blogger Aaron said...

Holy goddam... I just posted this blog two minutes ago and already one of these assholes is making commercial use of it. BASTARDS!!! ARRGHHHH!! I don't even live in Kansas for christ's sake!!

3:41 PM  

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