Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Paragraph Drink

And what do I choose for a first topic for my searchingly titled blog? None other than an exploration of diet soda, of all things. As a longtime diet soda drinker it's nice to see that they're finally coming out with a few more options for those of us who don't like to put our blood-sugar levels through the ringer. Coca-Cola gets extra props for having several different kinds of diet soda out on the market now: Diet Coke, Diet Coke with Splenda, Coke Zero-(this is my favorite), Diet Coke w/Lime, Diet Coke w/vanilla, and the long awaited Diet Cherry Coke (it's hard to find, I think they only sell it in bulk), and, of course, Diet caffeine-free coke, for those of you who are stimulant sensitive. Some might think that this is gettting a little out of hand, but such individuals can kiss my option-happy ass. I hate being lumped in with the mass consumer market of sheep who just want regular this, normal old that, and missionary such and such. I find it insulting when a company doesn't tend to the wants of adventurous consumers such as myself who are willing to try anything once, even if it does involve smoking crack with a hooker. So kudos to the fine folks at Coke for taking a chance........ Also worthy of recognition is the new Diet sensation Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, which has been affectionately dubbed "The Paragraph Drink" by one of my friends from ITT due to the exuberantly long title. It's pretty good shit for diet, and so is Coke Zero, which has managed to somehow taste a little bit more like regular soda than diet drinks of yester-year. Pepsi also has some fine diet products out, (I enjoy their Diet vanilla and lime flavors), but I just had to give coke the extra rec. for going all out. Of course, it now takes me about half an hour to pick out a soda and a bag of chips (Doritos has also expanded their horizons), but it's a small price to pay, as far as I'm concerned.


Blogger Jane said...

Hey there Aaron. I'm christening your comment section. I can't say I have much to add about diet sodas since I don't drink any soft drinks. But I do know they can be addicting so be careful!

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, sorry I haven't been in touch more....and now that the kissing your ass portion of my comment is over, I digress. Ever since reading your blog a whole two days ago I have realized how easy it is to become prey to "option-happiness". Seems as if there is no "fast food" because the woman in line in front of you is choosing off of the Burger King menu like it is her last meal and the longer she remains undecided, the longer she gets to live. I mean, isn't it all equally artery-clogging crap? And when there are four lanes on the highway....isn't it always the case that you are in the wrong one? And when I search for a flight to Montana...there are three hundred sites to search on....leaving me little time to get any real productive work done which undoubtedly defeats the purpose of any "discount" I may have gotten? It's not that I don't glorify the fact that we have the freedom to create sixteen colors of blue for my crayons, it's just that I like to prioritize my options.....I may not spend any time at all experimenting with other flavors of soda (I prefer Pepsi as you know), but I sure as hell want plenty of options when it comes to what thong I want to wear today....

5:08 PM  

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