Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I was going to title this "I think I'm a Communist".....

.....But then I got dragged into a political conversation, by none other than my cousin Jane. First she gets me into this blogging business, now she's pulling me into politics (again, goddam you Jane). I was then reminded of how politically ignorant I am, which is an admitted crime for somone at the higher end of the IQ range who should be aware of what's going on in the world so I can at least cast my one measly vote with some competency and possibly even take other avenues to change the status quo (join the ACLU, or the Libertarian Party, etc.- calm down Jane, I'm using the ACLU as an example, I know you're cringing- not that I think there's necessarily anything wrong with the ACLU. Again, I"m too ignorant to have much of an opinion). Anyhow, ridiculously long parenthesis aside, I really must admit that I'm very uneducated about politics in general. My usual philosophy is that my one stupid vote doesn't really amount to much and that I'm too poor to make much of a difference otherwise. More importantly, I'm way too caught up in my own life (I work 40 hours a week and take 12 credits) to have much time for things that I have a totally negligable effect on.... but I would really like to be at least well informed enough to have a solid opinion on things (I feel like I miss out whenever people start talking politics), so I think I'll check out a couple suggested sites that Jane referred me to. I don't feel excessively guilty about my ignorance though, considering two of the most intelligent guys I know use their superior IQ's to fight evil and promote the common good...... in the World of Warcraft (it's a computer game, for those of you who are non-gamers). But anyhow, here I go, off to form a political opinion. And I swore I wouldn't get political unitl I make at least $25,000 a year.....


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