Paradigmology and Other Predictions
First off, let me point out that I forgot to post a blog that I had saved a little bit ago (What the Purple Box Meant), and for those of you who care to check it out, it's the one right below this one, of course. Now, for our featured presentation....
I've got a few predictions. Not so much for the year 2006 but for the next 25-50 years or so (pretty wide range, I know, bear with me). The first of such predictions is what will be a new emerging science which I would personally dub as Paradigmology, the study of differing interpretations of reality. So far, sciences have concentrated on measuring the physical world around us and little has been done in the way of objectively measuring man's perception of reality. Philosophy, insofar as I can tell, is largely speculative and is not based on any cold, hard facts. This will all change soon, and labs will use new technologies to quantify all sorts of emotion and thought. I'm not talking about already used subjective techniques such as being asked "how happy are you on a scale of 1 to 10", I'm talking about devices that will be able to tell you how happy you are on a scale of 1 to 10.... the worst mistake you can make is to think these other people around you live in the same world as you. You heard it here first, folks.
Next prediction, the evolution of Pop Culture. Pop culture as we know it has been stagnating lately, as far as I can tell. Seinfeldk, for example, was highly entertaining, but broke no new ground. It was, in effect, the I Love Lucy of the modern era. I don't think I have to comment much about the lack of reality in "reality" tv shows, though I think these shows were an important precursor to a not-so-far off jump in entertainment we are likely to soon experience. Now, I'm not sure the exact verbage (<-common error in the English language, verbage is a sub-standard word at best) to describe what I'm getting at, but I think that movies and TV programs will soon have a much more genuine quality to them, they won't feel like movies as we're accustomed to, the gloss will be removed, they will have an unprecedented "real-life" feel to them. This will begin as an underground movement, and many people will think it sucks, but there will be films and TV programs of this nature that will indeed gain popularity.
Finally, our current period in time will be looked back at as a rather peculiar point in the history of man. Historians will marvel at how current civilization has all the ingredients to create virtual utopia right here and now, but yet still we flounder in relative position to what we could be as a human a race. This final prediction is kind of a no brainer, I don't think any generation does not look back at the ones before it as being somewhat bourgeois and quaint, but this current period will have the distinction of being a quasi-self actualized humanity and will be likened to a fault in a database system where all the right information is present to extract the desired knowledge but there is a breakdown at some point and the information remains buried and useless.
phewwww! I think for my next entry I'll blog about new flavors of pop-tarts or something, I've had enough intellectualizing for a while.
What? A ripple in these stagnant waters?
I could live in a world without "Friends" in my 11:00 tv hour.
What's up dog? Just thought I'd stop by and shit.
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