Monday, December 12, 2005

What The Purple Box meant

When I was very young, 5 or 6 or so, I had a dream of a glowing purple box. Whenever someone would touch the box they would melt away and die. The dream scared the shit out me, I wanted to go back into it when I woke up and tell everyone not to touch the goddamn thing until we could build a fence around it with big warning signs.

Anyhow, I know this is a long time in coming, but the possible significance of the purple box just recently struck me. Everyone has a fatal flaw that can lead to their downfall in life (for me it's self destructive behavior, for Othello it was pride). Our flaws generally have some sort of strange allure, they are the safeguards that keep us from being vulnerable, or they are buffers from having to face reality all together. Whatever they may be, they are dangerous. They keep us from reaching our potential, they build barriers between ourselves and the people in our lives, and sometimes they may indeed result in our death (say, for example, if your fatal flaw leads to heroin addiction).

So please folks, don't touch that goddam purple box!


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